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Euro Beer Star Awards to Göller Brewery

Updated: May 3, 2023

I want to extend my warm congratulations to the Göller family for recent awards their beer earned from the European Beer Star. Göller Brewery in Germany consistently wins big awards every year, and they deserve it.

Brauerei Göller Press Release Nov 11, 2021

"This year we won prizes for two beers at the European Beer Star 2021 awards ceremony on November 9th in Nuremberg. The Dunkles Bockbier, a strong beer specialty that the family brewery only offers seasonally in autumn, won silver. The alcohol-free wheat beer from Zeil won bronze. This is the second European Beer Star award within three years for the Dunkel Bock. In 2018 the bronze medal in the “German Style Dunkles Bock” category went to Göller. It is particularly difficult to win one of the coveted awards at the European Beer Star. Due to the Olympic principle, only the three best beers in each category are awarded. Most of the well over 2,000 beers submitted received no awards at all. We are all the more proud that we were able to bring two awards to Zeil this year. The awards are a great confirmation of our work. We are particularly pleased about the second Beer Star Award for our Dunkles Bockbier within such a short time! In a two-day, blind tasting at the beginning of November in Gräfelfing, near Munich, around 130 international beer experts, consisting of master brewers, specialist journalists, beer sommeliers and other beer experts, objectively assessed the beers submitted in terms of appearance, foam, smell and taste as well as characteristics typical of the variety. In the 71 categories of the beer competition, only the three best beers were awarded gold, silver and bronze according to the Olympic principle. A total of 2,395 beers from 44 countries around the globe competed at the European Beer Star 2021. Stefan Stang, the General Manager of Private Brauereien Bayern e.V., was exuberant about this year's beer competition: “After a difficult year and a half for the entire international brewing industry, we are very happy about such a great response to the European Beer Star 2021. After a decline in the number of registrations last year, we are now almost at the record level of 2019. Even in challenging times, the European Beer Star is a symbol not only for the art of brewing, but also for a spirit of optimism in the industry."

About the European Beer Star The European Beer Star has been organized by the Association of Private Breweries since 2004 and has long since developed into one of the most important beer competitions worldwide. The European Beer Star seeks to recognize beers that are unadulterated, full of character, and of the highest quality. They focus mostly on beer styles having their origins in Europe, but any brewery around the world may compete. Further information at:


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