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Weisse's Checkered History
Göller's Weisse (wheat beer) is unusual for a German beer: it's an ale, not a lager, and it's made with wheat malt instead of pure barley...
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These 2 Beers Remain Local Legends
Does Göller Brewery actually have a beer that is downright local to their little region? The answer is "yes!" In fact, they have two...
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What 500 years experience means: perfectly balanced flavors
"If some is good, more is better." This logic drives much of the food and beverage innovation, and almost always ends badly. Take, for...
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The Craft of Hopping Evolves
Hops are a hot issue, and with good reason. They make up an essential part of brewing beer, and so they deserve the attention they get. ...
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What gives Zest to Weisse
Weisse is different from other German beers. It stands out with bold, yeasty flavors that would be considered off-flavors in a typical...
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Housewives made Beer
Beer is a man's drink, right? It certainly is, but did you know that historically brewing was done by women? Yes, even in Franconia,...
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Bavarian Helles
The Helles style beer encapsulates the Bavarian idea of what a pale lager should be: balanced flavor profile, drinkable, with golden...
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German Dunkel like a Porter?
Because the German Dunkel is not as well known in the English speaking world as the porter (or stout), I'm going to compare them side by...
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